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27th Annual Juried Art Exhibition - Art Barn School of Art

Call for Entries

Exhibit: May 15 - July 8, 2021


The Art Barn School of Art is delighted to announce our 27th Annual Juried Art Exhibition from May 15 through July 8, 2021.  We are proud to continue the longstanding tradition of our late founder Jan Sullivan. The purpose of the exhibition is to promote the creation and recognition of original quality 2-dimensional works of art, as well as ceramic arts.  The exhibition attracts entries from aspiring and established artists from Northwest Indiana, Chicago suburbs and Southwest Michigan and beyond. We welcome photography and ceramic submissions for the first time this year. 2021 Juror Randall Roberts of the Midwest Museum of American Art will bring an expert eye to this year’s jury process, and will help Art Barn insure the highest standards and integrity in the jury process.
For tips on photographing your work for use in an online call visit
Art Barn provides numerous purchase and merit awards totaling $2,000.  We wish to thank the many individuals and businesses who sponsor or contribute to these cash awards.  Their generosity directly supports working artists, such as yourself.
All proceeds generated from this exhibition, aside from awards, support Art Barn School of Art educational programs and exhibitions.
About Art Barn School of Art
The Art Barn fosters art education and cultural access for residents, businesses, and partners in the community. The mission of the Art Barn School of Art is to provide quality art education programs for all ages in a supportive, creative environment in order to enrich the quality of life in the region. Our vision is to be a recognized forum for the arts in a collaborative, community-based setting which provides an idyllic and supportive place for exploration, growth, inspiration and development of artistic endeavors. Visit
Our 2021 Juror
Randall Roberts is the assistant curator for Midwest Museum of American Art. As a curator for MMAA, Roberts is involved in the management and research of the museum’s permanent collection where he helps to coordinate the development and implementation of exhibition programs.
In addition to his role as a curator, Roberts has been a juror for several art fairs and competitions within the Michiana region including the annual Chesterton Art Fair, Leeper Park Art Fair and Taste of the Gardens at Wellfield Botanic Garden in Elkhart. Roberts is a graduate from Indiana University and was awarded a Fellowship Grant for research in architectural history. Currently, he is developing a graduate thesis and will continue his academic endeavors at Indiana University.
Juror Statement
As a curator, I am often called to exercise a subjective but critical judgment upon artwork. This can sometimes be a challenging process for both the artist and juror to undertake, but I think that it can also be an exciting opportunity to see and learn from each other. As an individual, I value the role that art plays in our everyday lives and communities. As a juror, it is not always an objective process. I consider craftsmanship and skillset to be top contenders in the selection process regardless of media represented. Another aspect of this process is the investigative or innovative use of media and material that results in an intentionally created product. The challenge is putting all of the pieces together logically to make the puzzle complete. As artists, you should be applauded for the risks you take in making your artwork. Continue to express your thoughts and ideas through self-exploration or something yet to be seen.
The exhibition is open to artists 18 years of age and up and living in the United States.
All entries must be of original design and personal execution
2-Dimensional Media: May include, but not limited to, drawing, fiber, mixed media, painting, pastels, photography and/or printmaking.
Ceramic Arts Media: Works submitted in this category must be primarily ceramic, may be 2 or 3-Dimensional and be functional or sculptural. Only single pieces of artwork accepted (no sets).  
Best of Show
Merit Awards 
Purchase Awards ($300, $400, or $500)
Jan Sullivan Emerging Artist Award $200 (artists between the ages of 18-25 are eligible)

Entry Specifications
All entries must be the original work and executed solely by the artist within the last two years. 
Work must not have been previously exhibited in Art Barn’s Annual Juried Art Exhibitions.
Accepted work must be labeled as specified and be ready to display or hang upon delivery.
Selected work must remain during the entire exhibition.
2-D Media:
Maximum size 40”x 44” including frame; depth max 4”
Work must be appropriately framed and wired to hang, no sawtooth hangers.
Unframed stretched canvas must be finished in gallery wrap.
2-D Media will be designated under the 2-Dimensional Category
Ceramic Arts:
Maximum size 12”x12”x12”
Freestanding ceramic pieces must be accompanied by a substantial base
2-D ceramic media will be designated under the Ceramic Arts Category 
Entry Fee
Non-refundable entry fee of $35 includes two (2) entries plus $5 for one additional entry. No more than three (3) entries per artist. 
Must be submitted before midnight on April 2, 2021 - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 10
All Purchase and Merit Award funds go solely to the artist. For other sales, Art Barn receives a 30% commission. A payment check will be issued within 30 days of the exhibition closing. Art not picked up within 90 days becomes property of the Art Barn unless prior special arrangements are made.

Delivery of Work
Selected works are to be hand delivered or shipped to:
Art Barn School of Art, 695 N 400 E, Valparaiso, IN 46383
Hand-delivered work will be accepted at Art Barn on the following dates:
Friday, May 7 from 10:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday, May 8 from 10:00am – 2:00pm
(Social distancing protocols will be provided) 
Shipped work must be arrive no later than 2:00pm on May 8
Carefully package artwork in reusable packaging to prevent damage. We encourage using Plexiglass for shipped work. No packing peanuts please. Artists are encouraged to and responsible for insuring their work, as Art Barn is not liable for damages or theft during transit. Damaged work will not be exhibited.
Artists are responsible for all shipping costs of accepted work using FedEx, UPS or USPS. Include a paid return shipping label in the package (do not include stamps). Check that your shipping provider will refund the return shipping label in the event your work is sold. 
All delivered work MUST reflect entry submissions. Any work not matching the submission will be disqualified and will not be exhibited (no refunds).
Acceptance notifications emails by April 22, 2021
Return of Work
Unsold hand-delivered work must be picked up:
    Friday, July 9 from 10:00am – 6:00pm
    Saturday, July 10 from 10:00am - 2:00pm
Unsold shipped work will be delivered to the shipper in its original packaging by July 17. 
The Art Barn shall, upon possession of the artist’s work(s), exercise due care in handling. The Art Barn shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the artist’s artwork while in the Art Barn’s possession unless loss or damage is, or can be, directly attributable to intentional or negligent acts by Art Barn and its employees or volunteers. 
Schedule Summary
April 10 Entry deadline (EXTENDED)
April 22 Selection notification emailed
May 7 & 8 Delivery of accepted work
May 8 Shipped work receipt deadline
May 15 Exhibit opens
TBA Awards Reception
July 8 Exhibit closes
July 9 &10 Pick-up exhibited work
July 17 Return shipments complete


Activities are made possible in part by the Indiana Arts Commission, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
User Entry Process Tutorial

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